A Conversation with My Gut
Splendorous vs. My Gut
Splendorous: Good morning, My Gut, please take a seat. How are you today?
My Gut: I’m quite well, thank you. I tend to feel my best first thing in the morning, so now’s a good time for a chat.
S: I’m glad you’re up for conversation because we need to have a serious talk.
M.G.: [gurgles] …Oh really?…Whatever about?
S: I think you know, My Gut.
M.G.: [shifts uncomfortably]
S: [sighs] Fine, I’ll spell it out: the bloating and the heartburn. Why have you been acting up? I thought we were past this.
M.G.: Listen, Splendiferous -
S: Actually, it’s Splendorous.
M.G.: Right. Splendorous, I know that things haven’t been perfect between us. But you have to admit, things have gotten a lot better now that you’ve finished your internship and passed your registration exam. Remember those long hours and all that stress? They wreaked havoc on me!
S: Our relationship has improved a lot since then, I’ll give you that. But what’s with this recent change in behaviour?
M.G.: [irritated] Hey, you know what? This isn’t my fault!
S: What’s that supposed to mean?
M.G.: [grumbles]
S: [crosses arms] If you have something to say to me, just say it.
M.G.: Was it me who decided to eat a bunch of cake last weekend? No. Did I make the choice to have potato chips the next day? Nope. [gradually raises voice] Who ran after the ice cream truck afterwards? Not I, sir. [yelling] How dare you blame me for getting upset after everything you put me through?
S: [yelling] How dare I? How dare you?! You’re the one who made me crave all that junk food!
M.G.: That’s not fair! You know cravings are more complicated than that. [sniffles] It’s not all on me.
S: [pauses] I’m sorry, My Gut, I didn’t mean to lose my patience like that.
M.G.: [visibly tearing up]
S: Please don’t cry! I just wish we could get along. I want for us to be friends.
M.G.: [exhales shakily] I want to be friends too. But I need you to accept me for who I am. I’m very sensitive. There are lots of things that upset me: too much processed food, alcohol, stress, and lack of sleep. These are things I just can’t change. I promise, I’ll act so much better if you respect my boundaries.
S: I’m sorry for doing things that upset you. Sometimes I’m just thinking about having fun and I don’t consider how it’ll make you feel. I’ll try harder to be more considerate of your feelings from now on. Will you forgive me?
M.G.: Of course I will, you silly goose.
[Splendorous and My Gut embrace]
[My Gut rumbles]
S: Sounds like it’s breakfast time! Let me make you a smoothie with lots of fresh fruit and plenty of probiotic yogurt.
M.G.: You’re the best!
The End
Having conflict with Your Gut? Have an open and honest conversation with them today!